Program Details

German Propaganda Films of World War II

Edward Shapiro
Video Catch-up

Course Description

Both Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda, and Adolf Hitler were film buffs and prized movies as a means to assist them in carrying out the nefarious goals of Nazi Germany. Historians of Nazi Germany have emphasized the important role films played in the history of Nazi Germany. Dr. Ed Shapiro will study World War II's history in this series through six German propaganda films. Before showing each film, Shapiro will discuss its historical context and significance. Each film will be shown in its entirety; then, it will be discussed with the audience. He definitely knew his material and had a wealth of knowledge and experience. - OLLI Patron


  1. "Olympia"
  2. "Jud Suss"
  3. "The Eternal Jew"
  4. "My Life for Ireland"
  5. "Uncle Kruger"
  6. "Kolberg"

About the Instructor

  • Edward Shapiro, Ph.D., earned his doctoral degree in history from Harvard University and taught American history at Seton Hall University for three decades.  His books include “A Time for Healing: American Jews Since World War II" (1992); “We Are Many: Reflections on American Jewish History and Identity" (2005), “Crown Heights: Blacks, Jews, and the Brooklyn Riot of 1991" (2006), and "A Unique People in a Unique Land: Essays in American Jewish History" (2022). Shapiro has received awards and grants from the American Philosophical Society, the Oxford Center for Jewish Studies, and the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation and has lectured throughout the United States, Europe, and Israel.